Chapter 194: Lazy Sections

Gibson read through the book he found on his office desk and grimaced at it. There was no reason to be upset about it, really, but he couldn’t help himself - he had been doing so well with this one! He had made a decent dent in his stack of files, he even had written half of what he needed for the article, which meant that he had to do something else soon! It wasn’t like him to let things drag out like this, but after last night - well, if there was anything that could get the better of him, it was stress, and stress sucked. He should have known better than to get distracted by that guy’s phone number, though! He didn’t deserve the chance, not when Gibson was just beginning to work his way up.

But it was all gone now. He had forgotten the date, and he could barely remember any details from before he went home last night, and the only time he had remembered them was during the day. And then, well, then there were all those people who were still in his head - the ones who kept talking
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