Chapter 196: Wine is good

“I want to speak to Gibson,” the light skinned lady said sternly as she entered the office, her voice low and dangerous. It was not a question, it was an order, and the man at the desk knew better than to disobey it. He quickly picked up his phone and dialed Gibson’s number. The woman waited impatiently as he tried to connect the two calls, and when that failed, she turned to face him expectantly.

Her face was hard and determined and made her eyes look darker than they normally would. She had dark circles under her eyes that made them seem bruised. Her lips were pressed tightly together, her hands clasped behind her back. She looked like someone who was about to get her way, which was probably true. She stood there looking intimidating until Gibson answered his cell, “Yes? Is everything alright?” His voice sounded worried and confused, and the woman felt a pang of guilt for scaring him with what she had been going to say earlier.

“Hi Gibson, it’s me. I just... need a little help to
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