That night everyone gathered at the well-furnished palace hall where King Selem has designated for the birthday celebration to hold.

The maid were bringing out the drinks and wines and setting them on the table when Queen Clara came out and watched all that they have been doing, she made few corrections and asked them to do some other arrangement for the special guest of Princess Diana.

Few minutes before the commencement of the birthday party, the kings of some neighboring kingdoms started arriving and some guest form other kingdoms, the people of Evive Kingdom were all over the places drinking and chatting.

Five minutes to the time of the party Princess Diana came in and she was surprised to see that the whole hall was packed full. Different kings and their wives, sons and daughters were all seated waiting for the opening remark. Princess Diana walked with her maids to her seat on the left hand side of her father while her mother Queen Clara sat on the right hand side of King Selem
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