20. Hero battles Lucian Part 1

The clanging of city bells echoes into the fading night. That bell Hero recognized from the perceptive vision of where Lucian, Historia, and Sabrina's home were located and where his parents once lived before they died. A house on top of a hill looking down at a city made from oak and cedar wood and rampant stone walls.

Hero was striding up the sloppy mountain when he saw like a river blood draining down to the sloppy ground, the clashing of swords, and the sounds of swift movements. Hero panicked as he rushed up only to meet piles of dead bodies lay dead on the floor. Lucian and his giant sword in his hand sliced the neck of an assassin with the head detached rolling to Hero’s feet.

Though Lucian was victorious however he sustained multiple sword injuries. Sabrina and Historia rush to heal Lucian’s body with healing magic. Lucian stares at Hero.

“It is time for your final training and lesson. Grab a sword!" Lucian's voice echoed out with an intense look on his face.

“Wait you mean no
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