The proposal 2

[Peter, Henry, Lucian and others were still in the meeting discussing if to take on Butch's proposal or not]

“We have to be careful about this, my decision is that we can't just accept Butch's offer, there must be something he needs in return if not just our loyalty, to use us also” Lucian stated.

“You said his offer was for us to join him and in return we will be protected, provided with food and supplies” Bella asked but Jacob jumps in,

“That is if we play our part well, what then will happen if we do not do what he ask of us”

“I am not saying we should accept his proposal, that is why this meeting was called to hear what you guys have to say, for what we know Butch might be lying or he might actually provide us with the protection we need” Peter answered.

“But we have been protecting ourselves just fine” Jacob added

“For how long can we keep protecting ourselves, according to Peter, Butch has enough weapons to protect us, food and supplies to keep us safe, I don't see the reason
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