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By: Rikki OngoingMystery/Thriller

Language: English

Chapters: 24 views: 602

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Friends together have to face the world end, at the same time fight to survive the cruel condition of the world they find themselves, they will be lost, they will be victory but most importantly.....CHAOS.

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  • Ebuka Oyeoka


    I lovely novel, post more please

    2023-06-10 18:33:40
  • Zammie


    Lovely story ...

    2023-12-21 00:49:47
Latest Chapter
24 chapters
In The Beginning
In a small town of Milliopo, where everything seems quiet and nothing much happens. David, Jacob, Lucian and Bella are friends who grew up together since childhood. Their curiosity for discovering things made them stand out from other people in Milliopo. Lucian being the elder among them, by the age of 20…. Bella and Jacob are of the same age (19 years), while David was the youngest (18 years old). The four friends all live with their parents except David who's parents died in a car crash when David was 6 years old after which he was taken in and cared for by his uncle Zach. Lucian, Jacob, Bella and David basically did everything together both when in highschool and they actually Graduated out of highschool together, after which they got the idea to apply for the same college. Meanwhile at Milliopo, where everyone thought was quiet and safe, a group of scientists created a lab at the very centre of the town. Carrying out illegal biological experiments, but as one could imagine, the e
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The World Is Not The Same
[Faint growling ,Distant screaming, Sounds of explosions, car alarm and deserted roads. Buildings falling apart, Spilled blood on roads, ]. Drifting out of his unconsciousness, Jacob slowly and steadily rose up as his body made crackling sounds. He groaned out in pain as he touched his head and found out it was bleeding. He turned towards the car window looking outside and saw that the world he once knew was no longer the same. Almost everything around there was in chaos and great ruins. Jacob turned and woke the others, they started regaining consciousness and was confused about the world they woke up to. Bella couldn't say any words no matter how much she tried to…. It was as if her mouth became stiff and her throat dried. David was the first person among them to speak. "Guys, what the hell happened here?". No matter how much David tried to be bold and courageous with his words, sweat beads won't stop forming on his forehead. "I don't know". Jacob replied. Even though he
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[Town of Milliopo] "David!!! David!!". Bella shouted as David fell from the fire escape, Lucian looked down and saw that David had fallen off. He quickly suggested that they should reach the top of the balcony first because it seems that the ladder looks weak, hence may come apart. David on the other hand, immediately he fell on the car using his back to Land, he wasted no time in getting up. David saw that the car was surrounded by the infected, apart from the side of the car facing the alley wall because of the narrow space between the wall and the car. He saw that standing on the car wasn't safe as it was exposed. And some of the infected were trying to grab his legs, while some were trying to make their way on top of the car. His only option was squeezing through the narrow space, between the car and the alley wall, and staying under the car, which would give him a better chance at fighting off the infected. So he quickly forced himself down the space, and found a way
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[Breaking news: There's been a lot happening at the town of Milliopo as there is panic and fear, stores been robbed for supplies, violence everywhere. There are reports of humans and animals displaying rabid and aggressive behaviour, and it seems that it is contagious. Doctors and scientists have made research and reported that a virus is responsible for this behaviour, and no one seems to know where the virus originated from. No cure has been found for the infected, and the borders of Milliopo have been shut down to avoid the spread of the virus across the globe]. Meanwhile at Sun city, a large City, where many Large buildings, companies, corporations and businesses are sighted. The news about Milliopo had reached the City. Political and Military forces began taking precautions to avoid spread of the virus in the City. At the Sun City airline…. Henry, a flight dispatcher, got an urgent message from a plane entering the airport. Although the message wasn't clear, due to s
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[Sun City] At Sun City, not far from the airport, ICO Company, a large delivering Company, owned and managed by Peter Ian a twenty six years old male…. He's the youngest CEO throughout Sun City, given to him by his father. At first he refuses to take over the company as he plans to carry out his own business, but in order to keep his father's legacy, he has to take over the company. At his office located on the top floor, he saw when the aeroplane came down crashing, and immediately reported it to the station before going back to his work. Nothing else caught his attention, until some couple minutes after the crash, there was a loud explosion right outside the company, he stood up quickly and went straight to his window, and saw people running, cars crashing against each other and moving against the traffic rules. Not knowing what was going on outside, he said to himself. "What the hell is going on?. I don't have time for this". He walked back to his table, took the table
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Escaping The Airport
[Sun City Airport]"I'm sorry for trying to send you guys out, I have to take precautions in order to safely protect others". The policeman apologize to Henry in a low tone. Henry replied "I understand. You don't have to be sorry…. I'm Henry by the way, and this here is Ava". "I'm Ben". The policeman said. "So what is it like on the ground floor?". "It's been overrun by the infected. I don't think it's possible to make it out that easily". Henry answered. "And I don't think they have any weaknesses either". He added. Ben sighed deeply before he said "I emptied 12 rounds of bullet on one, and yet it kept on coming". Everyone in the room became more frightened than before after they heard what Ben had said. One out of the people in the room added "For what I noticed, it seems they're attracted to noise and they are cannibal, hence also attracted to blood". Henry stood up from where he was as though he had an idea, and said "Then let's use that to our advantage and get the h
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[Town of Milliopo]"Don't ever do that again… you really scared the hell out of me" Bella told David after hugging him with tears of relief."Were is Lucian". David asked as Jacob pointed to the direction of were Lucian was, explaining to David how he got there.David turned to the direction of were Jacob pointed and saw Lucian who was still sitting on the floor catching his breath.David called out to Lucian and wave at him with joy, Lucian did the same with smile on his face. He stood up and made another jump back to the balcony to were his friends were and this time did not bruised his body that much cause he landed well. David rushed ,hugged him and said "thank you, you saved my ass"...they both laughed and Lucian replied "birds of the same asses stick together right"David nodded with a smile. 'that was close, so what are we going to do next'"...Jacob said to the othersBella replied "despite what we have just faced, we still have to make our way to the police station, we nee
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The Bravery
[Town of Milliopo…..meanwhile, news about the infected has gotten to other part of the country including the Military, and decision was made be the military, in order to to contain whatever the disease was from spreading, military personnels, soldiers were deployed to infected cities to cleanse the infected and if a city was completely overrun, they will have no other option than to nuke the city…and for the case of the town of Milliopo, it wasn't ready for what is to come]Booooom…Lucian woke up to the sound of explosion and gunshot….he quickly got up and woke others"Get up….get up now".....Bella, Jacob and David bounced up immediately…"What happen…are they coming"..David quickly responded."No, sshhhhhh" Lucian continued "can you hear that"They heard sounds of helicopter hovering in the air, gunshots and explosions.Bella replied "what is going on"......Jacob added " are we being rescued""I thinks so, we need to get out of this building now and get to them" Lucian addressed them
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[Sun city Airport]Honk!!! Honk!!! "Get in, what the hell are you guys waiting for" Henry and Ava who have already surrender and given up to their fate opened their eyes and saw the truck honking at them to come over, without any delay , they ran as quickly as possible to the truck…in the truck was Peter "get in , get in…lets go"..they jumped in the car right away, as the truck was about to zoom off, Henry looked out of the truck and saw Mr Ben and Mr Ethan as they were running towards them, shouting and waving at the truck to save them."Stop the truck!! Stop the truck" Henry told Peter.."what" peter replied,"They are people who need our help , so please stop the truck and turn back" Henry respondedPeter hesitated for a while before turning the truck back to were Mr Ben and Mr Ethan was. The infected had almost caught up to Mr Ben and Mr Ethan but they were saved by peter as he drove the truck right at the infected, they quickly helped them in the truck as peter drove away, by the
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The World Is Not The Same
Five years has passed since the apocalypse outbreak and the virus left the world in a condition it can't come out from, the population reduced to the brink of extinction, many cities destroyed, bombed and left inhabitable, one year after the outbreak, the virus has already spread to the major cities across the world, it took another one year for it to complete destroy the world, over the years , power shifted to the military as they created different zones around the world for survivors ,the zones were protected from the infected, raiders and the rebels who do not support how the military carries out order. In the zones, the military protected the survivors and in exchange for their service ,the survivors were treated like trash, given manual labors, their young ones taken for recruitment and in some extent starved, those who stood up to them were executed immediately and those who managed to escape formed a resistance to fight the military, although the military kept winning the batt
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