Secrets in the open

Jonathan walked into the sitting room through another door, he didn’t come from the elevator which means he had been in the villa before Sam came in.

He was dressed in a navy blue suit, and red tie; looking like a sharp billionaire; Sam had never seen him looking so expensive and handsome.

Jonathan was a little bit older than Ethan, but now that he looked more closely, they looked so much alike; and they both had gray hairs.

Sam had always noticed that he looked a little bit like Jonathan, the man who he thought was his grandfather. But now, he realized he looked more like Ethan than Jonathan, they had the same blue eyes, and it was obvious that Ethan's gray hair was once blonde like Sam’s.

Jonathan buttoned up his blazers and sat beside Sam, who looked like he just saw a ghost.

With Jonathan present, his disbelief had been erased; all that Ethan had said was true.

Sam covered his face with both hands as he tried to take in everything he had just heard. His life had changed for
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