"But why? We agreed that I come over to check the house, some minutes ago. So why can't I purchase it, now that I have checked it and I'm pleased with it?

"I'm sorry, Mr Wallace. The authorities have instructed us not to sell the house to you."

"What the heck are you talking about? What authorities?! Look, don't play games with me, man. If you're not pleased with my price, then tell me to increase it and I will. Don't tell me you can't sell that house to me..."

Before Roy could finish talking, he noticed two able-bodied men at the door of the house.

They were dressed in dark suits and wearing stern expressions. They stood there as if they were sentinels guarding the mansion's threshold. Their presence was intimidating.

Roy's initial surprise quickly gave way to indignation as he ended the call and approached the men.

"What's the problem?" Roy asked with a frown.

"Who are you, and why are you here?"

The taller of the two men, a burly figure with a stern face, stepped forward and prod
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