Vera stood outside Donald's house, her heart heavy with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. She held her baby tightly, his presence a constant reminder of the tangled web of emotions and uncertainties that had enveloped her life.

This was supposed to be a moment of joy, but as the security guard stationed at the entrance denied her entry, reality came crashing down.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but Mr Donald has instructed us not to allow you onto the premises," the security guard explained, his tone polite but firm.

Vera's eyes welled up with tears, a deep pang of hurt coursing through her. She had hoped for understanding, forgiveness, and a chance to explain the truth to Donald. But it seemed that hope had been misplaced. The rejection stung, and she felt a wave of isolation washing over her.

She glanced down at her baby, his innocent eyes peering up at her, oblivious to the turmoil that surrounded him. At that moment, Vera knew that she had to protect her child above all else.

She cou
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