The air inside Dub's car felt heavy with tension as Linda sat in the seat next to the driver's seat, her eyes fixed on him with a determined gaze.

For weeks now, Linda had been relentless in her pursuit of becoming the Executive Assistant at Kelfort Companies Inc.

She believed it was her rightful place, a position she felt she had earned by being the mother of Dub's child.

"Linda, I understand your ambition, but I can't just make you my Executive Assistant," Dub said, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and pleading.

"There are other qualified individuals who have been with the company for years, and I can't disregard their loyalty and hard work."

Linda's gaze hardened, her voice laced with determination. "Dub, I'm the mother of your child. Asides from that, I've supported you, believed in you, and most importantly I'm vast in this field. I deserve this opportunity, and you know it."

Dub sighed, his gaze shifting to the desk in front of him. "Linda, you've done a lot for me, an
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