Something Only He Can Do

The passenger side door swings open to reveal A thin passenger with long hair tied up into a ponytail. He was dressed casually in a white collared shirt and black slacks.

"Welcome back brother. You made quite the entrance I must say." Jonathan said with a smile from within the vehicle. "So how was your vacation?"

Luke looked at his brother with disdain, "What are you doing here!? Why did you have to show up now!?" He growls angrily.

"That's a silly question. I'm just here to pick up my brother and his companion." His older brother explained, "why don't you have a seat so that we can catch up. It's about time that we have a talk." Jonathan suggests with a grin while gesturing with his hand out towards the passenger seat.

"Don't get your hopes up. I wouldn't ride in the same space as you if you paid me to." Luke retorted coldly. "How about you run on home and wait for me to tear you down, just like I did with Marilyn." Luke tells him with a scowl.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I don
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