Chapter 153

Jack just stared flatly at the tape and just touched it when Garric was completely out of his sight.

"Grandpa, do I have to listen to all this? Is this a sign that I'm starting to really doubt you, Grandpa?" Jack muttered in confusion.

The young man knew very well that what he was doing was causing himself to fall into great doubt.

Nonetheless, he couldn't back down anymore and finally decided to continue what he was doing which was to start playing the recording given by Garric.

"You have to disappear from the Morland family," a voice that Jack was very familiar with rang in his ears very clearly.

It was clearly the voice of his beloved grandfather, Hugh Morland.

"Why, Uncle? Why do I have to get out of the way? Isn't my family still the Morland family?" Harold asked in a confused tone.

"You're only the second bloodline, I don't want to see you and your family near my core family," Hugh explained in a flat tone.

Furthermore, Jack felt even more dizzy when listening to everything sai
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