Chapter 280

"So are you ready for it?" Gilead said as he approached Levi.

"Yes uncle. I believe I am."

"You must know how proud I am of you. You do know that right?"

"Yes I do." Levi did not care of he was just father or his uncle. Since he came back into his life he has always treated him like his own son. He cared for him, gave him a bodyguard when people threatened his life. He did everything for him and never wanted to stop. He was more than happy that the man was just in his life and he did not care if he lied about being his uncle.

"We should start going if we don't want to be late."

"Yes. You are absolutely correct." Levi said. "Thank you for everything you have done for me, thank you." He said and walked away, heading straight to Brittany's room.

"Did you ask him?" She asked when he got there but Levi could not answer. He was too mesmerized by the beauty standing in front of him. Everyday he saw new beautiful features in her and always asked himself how he ever got so lucky.

"You lo
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