Goodbye for now

Hey guys.

Wow, you actually made it all the way to the end. It really means a lot to me that you took you time to read this book all the way through. This is a work I'm really proud of though it's still a working progress. It been a strange, stressfull, some times annoying and infuriating ride writing this story but in the end I'm glad that i was able to finally finsh it and get out here to you all. You guys have no idea how heart warming and amazing to feel that they are people who, even if this isn't a perfect story, still took the time to read it and allowed my to take you on a journey in to a world of my own creation.

Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart I thank all. For those of you who love this story and who love this story and my writing, don't worry, I'm currently working on a sequel and I have a few other works I'm working on as well. Regretably I don't think I will be able to be able to publish anything anytime soon, I mean as much as I would love to write all day for y'all, I've got go to school and stuff. So this is goodbye for now but rest assured, I will be back with more  epic, beauty, enchanting, and bizarre tales for you all. But until then, goodbye to you all, live a good life and be the main character in your beloved tale.

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