CHAPTER SIXTY TWO: The fight for dominance.

Angela watched Joseph quietly as he drove calmly. He seemed to have a lot on his mind. Or he looked like it.

Did the interaction with his father have an effect on him too?

Angela didn't know the whole story yet but she knew that it was wrong to stay angry at one's parents for too long.

Especially when the parents feel remorse for what they've done.

Angela couldn't speak for Mrs Benjamin but she knew that Mr Benjamin lived in regret for what he had done.

And the expression the old man had on his face was proof. When Joseph helped him up, he was moved that his eyes were wet with tears. The man was definitely hoping that his son would come around.

Now the big question was if the son wanted to come around. The only answer to that question is a capital NO.

Joseph is way too far from home, by the looks of it. And right there, Angela made the decision to bring him back home.

She watched him as he drove slowly like time had paused, like he had the will to do as he wished.

Without warn
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