Chapter 89 I am done

Leona slept on the bed, her legs apart, as she was comfortably stretched out. She heard the incessant ringing of the doorbell, but she ignored it as she didn't feel like getting up to answer it.

Her black cat, Sufenot, jumped onto her bed and started crying and licking its paws for attention.

"Great!" she lamented.

"The doorbell and now you!" Leona exclaimed loudly at her cat.

"Just when I thought I was going to enjoy my sleep," she continued.

The bell kept ringing nonstop, and she had no option but to make it stop.

"Who could it be at this ghostly hour, ringing the doorbell as if they own the house?" she said with a tired voice and stood up, heading towards the door.

Thanks to her breakthrough in her acting career, she had been able to accumulate some money to leave her old life of poverty and was now able to rent an apartment.

She never forgot to send money back to her parents from time to time.

She calmly walked to her kitchen as the doorbell became louder and louder.

As the beauty
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