Chapter 95 Ethan you really don't know me

Daphne exclaimed and started running towards the figure that was leaving.

Ethan did not need to bother himself with such a person and was about to leave already.

But just then, he felt a hand on his arm, making him stop in his tracks.

He looked behind him with a cold look and saw the smiling face of the person he didn't want to see.

"Thank God you're here. I was expecting to see you when I came to your office, but they told me you weren't there. I was so worried about you," she said, trying to sound considerate.

But to Ethan, she seemed like a person who cared and was worried about him.

"This... this," the manager stammered, feeling like he was in a very hot room despite the air conditioner.

"She knows him. Then I'm doomed," he said as he wiped the sweat from his face.

He was just about to walk over to Ethan to explain himself when Ethan's next words stopped him.

"Who are you?" Ethan asked Daphne with raised eyebrows.

Daphne felt like she had been hit with a rock and stood there dumbf
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