What Happened To The Crystal Palace?
Layla sat stupefied in her chair. She couldn't believe she had lost every single time. But that wasn't the reason she was nervous.

"Hey, woman!" Ruth suddenly lost her cool, "I would've given you this card if you had won. But since you didn't, it's only right that you pay me my money before I lose my patience."

"But I don't have such an amount. Where will I see such an amount of money to give you?" Layla asked in shock.

"Why should I care?" Ruth hissed, "All I care about is my ten million dollars. Give it to me or you'll regret what I'll do to you."

Olivia, who appeared to be scared shitless, inched closer to Layla and revealed, "This woman looks dangerous, Layla. I even heard her younger brother is one of Sharp Dagger's men."

Sharp Dagger? Wasn't that the man who had held Benjamin ransom in his casino?

Layla grew increasingly nervous when she thought of how Adair and Collette had merely managed to save Benjamin.

"But I don't have ten million dollars. I've never even seen such a
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