Chapter 74

Three beautiful Rolls-Royce drove into the venue for the lecture. Everyone present had a shocked expression on their face when they saw the expensive line-up of the white Rolls-Royce cars.

The Rolls-Royce came to a stop and three intimidating bodyguards all dressed in black suits alighted from the vehicles. The intimidating aura of the three bodyguards gave the students a fright. They could tell that the three bodyguards all had top notch combat skills. Such fanfare made them wonder the identity of the figure in the second Rolls-Royce car.

A bodyguard opened the door to the Rolls-Royce and when the person in the car stepped out, the students all had bewildered expressions on their faces.

The person was none other than Darius Reid!

Everyone there knew who Darius Reid was. After he donated $4.1 million to charity and outbid Pearl Chamberlain in the auction at the charity gala, they knew that he was no longer a poor person like before and his name had been widespread in the university, b
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