A Friend's Betrayal

Diana is full of courage and curiosity. The next day, she decided to visit her mother-in-law's abandoned house as part of her investigation.

The house was located on the outskirts of the city, in a quiet and secluded area.

The moment she arrived; Diana felt a mysterious vibe surrounding the house.

She will visit Alex after meeting Abraham in this house. She had to solve this whole mystery.

"Is Adam Alex's younger brother?"

"Have they been hiding one of their sons all this time?"

Diana kept guessing at all the irregularities. She could not even sleep because she was worried about all this. Diana took a deep breath and exhaled.

She tried to calm herself down. Arriving in front of the mansion. Diana chose to look at it from afar.

She did not want to see it up close. People would be suspicious, especially Abraham.

The old man lived in this house. As usual, Diana would choose a safe distance to watch the house from afar.

She did not want Abraham to see her car. Diana did not want Adam to s
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