Adam's Attack

Adam couldn't believe that Soni had betrayed him. Adam already considered him his best friend.

How could this happen?

How could he betray him like this?

Adam didn't even expect what he saw today. Adam rubbed his face in frustration.

"I will accept all the money Miss Diana gives me."

"I won't refuse the money."

Soni smiled.

He immediately put away the money Diana gave her.

Adam was angry with what Soni had done. He had always helped the man. But for some reason, he betrayed him. Because of the resentment in his chest, Adam chose to leave. He would never see Soni again.

He wouldn't consider him a friend. He was a traitor. Adam was angry with that man. Adam went to the room where Alex was being treated. He wanted to see his own body. The things he had done in the past had drained his energy and mind. Meeting his own body gave Alex a renewed sense of vigor. Adam looked down at his body, lying on the hospital bed.

An expression of sadness was drawn on his face. Ever since the accident invo
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