The Cursed Milliader
The Cursed Milliader
Author: Anana-chan

"Sorry Alex, Miss Diana hasn't arrived yet." A cup of Vodka was placed on the table.

"What time is it?"

"Eleven o'clock at night, Sir!" The man in the black suit lowered his body while looking at his watch. He looked at Alex once more.

"Is she with that man?"

"My wife is having an affair, is that right?"

His jaw hardened. Mr. Abraham was silent. He didn't dare to answer even though the entire Xavier family knew that the great miss Diana had been with another man.

"Tell me, Abraham!"

"Is my wife having an affair or is this gossip?" Alex's eyeballs stared at Abraham. He was waiting for an explanation now.

"Tell me!"

Alex in one fluid motion pulled Abraham's arm closer to his face. The man called Abraham was frightened.

"I don't know Sir, according to some people, Miss Diana is having an affair."

Alex hissed. He walked away from Abraham. He grabbed his gun and walked out of the room.

"Come with me!"

"Order the bodyguards to come with me!"

"We're going to search that bastard's apartment!"

Abraham followed behind Alex. He wiped the sweat dripping down his forehead at this point.

Alex and Diana had been married for five years and had no children. The marriage was Xavier's outgoing business marriage with the Torax family. Since long ago, the two families had good cooperation in the field of diamond design.

In the car, Alex checked his mobile phone. Diana didn't want to pick up her phone this time at all.

"Tell my assistant to get the divorce papers!"

"Yes, sir!"

Alex took a deep breath. He looked out the window. "What does Diana want? She's with her lover? What a bitch!"

Arriving at a tall building in Rome. Alex got out and ran. His wife had her apartment and Alex knew that Diana always spent the night here with her mistress.

"Mr. Alex!"

Alex ignored Abraham's call. In his coat pocket, there was a gun and she would die at his hands.

Abraham chased after his master. "If you kill Lady Diana, this is not good!"

"Watch what you say, Abraham!" Alex quickened his pace towards the lift that would take him to Diana's room.

"Follow me and watch what you say!"


"I told you, Marco, Alex can't make me happy."

"He can't give me offspring, he's sterile!" Diana looked at the half-drunk Marco in front of her. They had made love and Marco always managed to meet her body.

"But he's richer than me."

"I don't care!"

Diana threw her arms around Marco's neck and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you. Alex and I are mates so of course we can't be together."

Diana enjoyed the kiss. A few minutes later, she pushed Marco's body away when the sound of footsteps disturbed her ears.

"Who is it?"

Diana grabbed her clothes. Marco got out of bed and ran to get his gun. He stepped closer to the door.

"Don't move!"

"Someone is coming towards us!"

Diana nodded her head in understanding. She stood behind the door.

Marco was ready to shoot forward. He looked at the crack in the door. Alex walked towards the door. Marco gave Diana the code to hide immediately.

"It's Alex!"

"He knows you're here!"

Diana panicked. She hid under the bed. Alex's footsteps were getting clearer in her ears.


"Open the door!"

"I know, you're with that bastard now!"

Diana was silent. The sound of the door opening was audible. Marco was hiding behind the door and was ready to shoot a bullet into Alex's head.

Alex realized Marco's presence. His eyeballs widened. He fired his gun in front of the man.

"Where's Diana?"


The hot lead hit Marco in the stomach. Diana screamed. She came out of hiding.

"What are you doing, Alex?"

"You killed him?"

Diana grabbed Marco's gun. "You killed my lover!" she shouted in frustration.

"You were having an affair!"

"I don't care, I don't like you and I'm not happy with you. It doesn't matter if Marco gives me his happiness!" Diana shouted. She moved closer to Alex. The gun was in her right hand. Her body was shaking but she had the courage of her convictions at the moment.

Fresh blood filled the floor.

"He's going to die if we don't get him to the hospital!" shouted Diana who was getting more and more panicked.

"I don't care if he dies or not, you've betrayed me, bitch!"

The gun was pointed forwards. Diana's body trembled. She wanted to kill the man who had been with her for five years.

"You can't do this, Diana."

"I can't, your father's company will go bankrupt if you kill me."

"Kill me!" Diana shouted in frustration. She burst into tears.

"You killed the love of my life, now you want to kill me, don't you? Do that?" Abraham who was behind Alex could only remain silent. He was afraid that Alex would get out of control and kill his beloved wife. No, Alex would dare.


"Do you love that man?"

"Yes!" Diana shouted without hesitation.

"I love him more than you, I love Marco more. You are nothing compared to Marco!"

Alex's chest ached to listen to that.

"Did you guys make love?"

"Of course!"

There was no doubt on her face at the moment.

"We fuck, we fuck every day!"

Alex couldn't take it anymore. He walked over to Diana and was about to pull the gun out of her hand. But who would have thought, Diana, pressed the trigger and fired the gun right at his head.


Everything went dark. Alex  in a different place. Abraham's screams were audible in his ears. Alex tried to visualize what was happening now. He felt no pain at all. It was very difficult for him to scream.

"Am I dead?"

"I'm dead?"

"Is it true? I'm dead?"

A flash of light filled the room. Alex glanced at the shabby clock on the brown wall. There was a thick blanket beside it. The house was made of wood and looked shabby.


"Where am I?" Alex woke up immediately. He held his stomach and head. He remembered very well, Diana shot his stomach and head. But, where was the wound? Nothing, it was so magical.

Alex got out of bed. She walked to the mirror in the room. Alex's eyeballs were wide open. He couldn't even believe it.

"Who's in front of the mirror?"

"It's not me, it's not me!"

Alex felt her cheeks. His face was different. A strange man stood in front of the reflection in the mirror.

"It's not me!"

"Am I being reborn?"


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