Shaming Plan

Diana felt that her stomach hurt a lot. Besides, for the past two days, she has felt like vomiting. Diana did not know what was happening in her body at the moment. She felt that something was happening inside her.


"I'm in a slump."

"Someone has broken into our security system."

"He must be an IT expert."

Diana listened to Marco's sad-looking voice. The man seemed to have no energy now.

"How did that happen, dear?"

Diana tried to ease the pain in her stomach while listening to Marco. Marco was calling her tonight.

"So, what should I do to help you?"

Marco was silent. He did not know what to say.

"I know, this is Adam's doing."

"Tomorrow, I will send my bodyguard to meet him and destroy him immediately."

"That poor man has the audacity to go against me. I won't let him live beside us."

"Are you okay, dear?"

Diana asked later. She looked panicked, listening to Marco's completely lacklustre voice.

"For now, I'm fine."

"I'm hiding in the apartment."

"Everyone is looking for me."

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