Even though he was still amazed by the amazing abilities being exibited by the creatures in front of him, he could tell they were the elves, as they possess similar attributes that the book was talking about them. Their long hair which was sparkling like gold, long nose, long ears and beautiful faces was enough to tell him that. Not to talk of their skills.

All his life, he thought humans were the only beautiful creatures in the universe, until they just proved his believe you be a mere assertion.

He was deeply overwhelmed with their beauty, but more also, their speed. This guy's were fast and every step they took comes with a spark of light, emitting from them. It made him felt like a slow poke. Since his birth, he has never seen anything as fast as what he just experienced now.

" I am lugard, sent to ****

" Sent to spy on a naked lady, right ? "A guy on grey hair cuts him with a witty reply, and the rest breaks into laughter. Lugard didn't mind. He noticed they were all guys, and
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