Laurent Moreau stiffened his face while raising his head a little bit upwards so he could stare properly into the eyes of his supposed nightmares.

He couldn't watch Raphael Gauthier ridicule him even when he was surrounded by seven trained martial artists with his old grandfather tied up to his will.

He vowed to behold the downfall of The Gauthiers and it's only a matter of moments for such to be actualized.

[Would he break the record and set a new one for himself?]

“Hitmen now attack!” He firmly commended still slamming his foot against the floor.

He believed he shared similar goals with the seven hefty martial artists who would do everything within their powers to defeat Raphael Gauthier after the name he had made for himself.

Raphael Gauthier inhaled and exhaled deeply while he rolled his eyes at the seven hefty men with a smirk conspicuous on his cheeks.

He wished they had listened and not permitted Laurent Moreau to convince them to kidnap his grandfather and presently put forth
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