Chapter 35

“Is she awake?” Dario said, his voice barely above a whisper.

When Maria heard her son’s voice she averted her gaze hoping to find him. When their eyes locked together, their hearts melted.

“She’s really awake!” Chris said in astonishment.

Dario’s face brightened when he saw his mother awake again. He heaved a very deep sigh of relief, It was like the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders. He felt light and extremely joyous.

Without hesitation, he was about to run to her bed when he suddenly stopped and raised his brows at the old man to inquire if he was free to move close.

He didn’t want to disrupt anything or cause any problems.

The old man gave him a reassuring nod while smiling, giving Dario the go ahead.

Everyone including Bruce was completely stunned when they saw Maria return to consciousness. Suddenly, the machines showing the reading of Maria’s vitals began to show perfect readings. It was like she was not just laying there unconscious minutes ago.

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