Behind the door

Ulric’s Point Of View

"What time?"

"Time to wait and see!" She announced.

"See what?" Her sister asked her.

"Why are you interrogating me? You just wait and see," she said.

"Day one? Are we going to be here for long?" Lucy asked. Mia's words had finally caught her attention and made her voice out.

"We don't know, baby girl but there is a possibility seeing that the door hasn't been opened by now. How long have we been locked in here?" She asked, suddenly sitting up and looking at everyone in an expectant manner.

"Probably two hours?" Chris interjected.

"Two hours?" Some of them chorused.

"I think it took more than two hours," Mia said, lying back on the ground. She definitely is shameless to lie on the bare ground.

"Why did you say that?" Saya asked.

"When the door shut initially, there was a space out. I felt I zoom out but realisation came and everyone sort for light and the rest," she explained. She also felt what I felt.

"Then we don't have to be here!" Maya announced.  

"What are you trying to do?" I heard Amy say to her as she lifted her bag.

"Where else will I go? We need to leave this place to be able to get out of this cave, I guess," she responded.

"You guess? You aren't even sure," Charlotte said to her.

"Then are we just going to sit here? Waiting for what? For who? When?" She asked in anger, turning back to glare at her.

"What do you mean?" Mia asked her.

"What do I mean? I mean that we need to get out of here," she yelled, "someone just died, do you think this place is safe?" She said looking agitated.

"And to think she died because she touched the wall when we were clearly told not to, though she got what she deserves for disobeying a very loud instruction from a weird guardian but isn't that more than enough hint that this place is not safe?" Maya announced.

"How can you say that? How can you say she deserves what happened to her? How can you!" Zoey yelled. 

Well, everything was getting intense. So, what is wrong? What is right? Is Maya right? Or is she just being paranoid? But I don't think so, everything she said is true, correct but that doesn't mean the place is dangerous, if we had just followed the instructions then we are good to go, right?

"Then what is that door for?" Maya asked, pointing at the door, the only visible door in this room. Woah! When did they get there? What are they even doing there?

"The door looks accessible!" Andrew yelled from where he stood not too far from the said door.

"Do you hear that?" Maya said with a smirk.

"So?" Mia snapped.

"The door is accessible! What if that is our safehouse? Our only means of escape? Just what?" She yelled, startling me. I definitely have lost the will to talk, move or even listen but I have to listen.

"This is our safehouse! This place is safe if you just fucking abide by the rule, will all this have happened if that… that… that im… that," she yelled, snapping at the end, "if that… lady had listen and paid attention to a clear instruction? No, none of this will have happened and you won't think of going through some door that has been standing there since we entered this cave. So let's just stay where we are and hope for the better. Who knows, Teach Caroline might be trying to get us out of here. If we decide to leave then we miss our quick shot at leaving this place.” she explained intelligently.

“I agree with her, we have all we need to survive this place, food, water, sleep bags… we can survive here and watch out for any rescue team that might be employed by Teach Caroline because I know for sure that she won’t abandon us here,”Saya added.

“What are you guys spitting out of your mouth? This place is not safe! NOT SAFE!” She yelled and I definitely felt the foundation of this cave quiver. 

“What are you saying?” Mia asked, frowning. “What makes you so sure that this isn’t our safehouse?” She added. 

“HER!” She yelled, pointing at the dead girl. Her loud voice was beginning to hurt my ears, I felt sorry for them.

“Can you please just shut up! You have been making stupid and disrespectful comments towards the dead and that is rude, we all know Hartley was disobedient which lead to her death but it isn’t something you wish your enemy nor friends,” the gang leader of the five ‘ey’, Zoey said and I find it hard to comprehend that she was the one who just said this sensible words without mincing words. Maybe I need to stop assuming someone is like something without even having a bare minimum of information on them. I will definitely stop, it isn’t good for myself and my reputation.

“So?” Maya questioned, “in essence what’s the point behind your tales that you just narrated,” she added.

“And that’s enough! We will all be here till Teach Caroline comes for us, they are definitely doing something to get us out of here,” Saya said buttering in.

“How are you so sure, are you in one way connecting or should I say connected to Teach Caroline for you to know what and what is not going on?" She also questioned Saya.

"It's common sense, babe! Common sense!” She said with frustration. “Where do we get common sense for this young…" she added before getting interrupted.

"Umm, lady…" she cut in with some sort of authority.

"What?” Zoey asked, confused.

“She might try saying ‘girl’, Iam no girl but a lady,” she announced.

“You are definitely sick,” a beautiful asian girl with this crazy beautiful mullet uttered.

“Finley, stay out of this,” Zoey yelled.

“What did you just say?” Maya also yelled simultaneously at the girl. Oh, so she is a part of the ey girls? Woah! 

Before I could blink my eyes, Maya was on the girl, slapping the hell out of her. Woo, that isn’t good! Saya and Zoey are trying their best to get her off Finley and everyone just kept shouting, not even trying to help them. 

“Oi!” I yelled, getting up to help out but Mia beat me to it by kicking Maya off her. For a few minutes, there was a total deafening silence as Mia and Maya kept staring at each other to death. 

“Aahaahaahaahaah!” Filled the room without a source. Like a roar. Was there a Lion here? Hiding somewhere?

“Who was that?” Saya asked. Negative reaction from everyone.

“Aahaahaahaahaah!” Came again but louder than the first one, now I was feeling some sensation running through my legs. A small sharp jolt to my feet, my boots weren’t a hindrance. Everyone’s face wrote plain fear and confusion as to what is going on. This isn’t a lion, bro!

“Something is wrong,” Mia yelled, “but it will be fine,” she added reassuring everyone.

“Aahaahaahaahaah!” Followed closely was a sudden shaking movement of the ground which stopped for a while before coming back in a faster rapid motion through the ground.

“The ground is tearing! Run!” That was the loudest I have ever heard form Saya.

“What the heck?” Mia said aloud, I stood upright and there before me was the most dense woods I have ever seen. I turned to look at the door we all just ran through and it was there, IT WAS THERE!

“Oh my gosh!’ I cried.

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