Greatest Fear 3

All of a sudden, from nowhere an unfamiliar gentle voice, subtle and silent that the possibility for a person to hear could be 0.5, went out "Hello rangers"

Since the probability of someone hearing it appears low, out of the 6 friends, Jack happens to be the one who heard that. He turned and then glanced at the area with his furrowed brows "Who said that?"

"Said what?" Kelvin raised his brows with a smile still hanging on his face and asked.

"You guys didn't hear anything?"

James shook his head "Nah! didn't hear a thing"

"Me neither" Chloe added.

"Maybe you're just hearing things" Freddie suggested with his hands deep into his pocket. Once again, the voice was heard but this time, in form of tiny laughter.

This time everyone heard that laugh and not just that, but due to the wave the laugh came with, they discovered where it came from "I think it's coming from that direction" Chloe pointed to a building in which the front was covered with glass.

"But no one's there" James said with
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