With each word Lucian says, Cole and his brothers feel a pang in their chests that by the time he is done talking, their chests can't help but begin aching.

Simultaneously, their brows crinkle and their face contort in discomfort.

This is indeed what they planned to do.

They'd suffered so much just because of the useless little girl and her boyfriend.

Obviously, there was no way they would have let that lying down.

It was just as Lucian said, they'd silently planned in their hearts to seek revenge against him later because they had to verify his identity first but would go ahead to kill the little girl and her boyfriend immediately since they already know their statuses.

Like, they had not been planning to let that revenge-seeking cross today.

They've always loved serving their revenge hot. But what they never expected is that Lucian will easily figure out their untold plans. A plan they had not even discussed amongst themselves but harbored only in their respective hearts.

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