Mason has deep cuts on the sides of his eyes, his lower lip, and several other parts of his body, which are all bleeding, causing the air to be filled with the harsh acidic fragrance of blood.

His eyes are bright red, and every part of him aches, but surprisingly, all of that pales in comparison to how terrified he feels right now! He'd looked down on Lucian and dismissed him as nothing worth bothering about, but with just one step, Lucian abruptly darted to him, and this happened.

And the worst part is that despite the fact that he was staring right at Lucian, he couldn't even see him move, which is why he couldn't defend himself! Everything happened so fast! Shivers are running down his spine in ripples that he is finding it hard to speak. The first time he is ever speechless!

"I'm guessing your silence is a yes," since Mason won't speak, Lucian states matter of factly and grabs him by the collar.

"Get your hands off of me, punk!" Mason barks, struggling to break free from him and
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