"Don’t fail me, Esmeralda I am counting on you—" Olvido cocked his gun and concealed it perfectly under his suit. He paced to the large wall clock on the wall in his room. "12:10" "Why have I been doing this? Is it worth it? I can just travel out of the country with the money I have and start all over," he voiced to himself reflectedly and sunk down on the couch.

"Arturo—my step elder brother," he mussed. Olvido had him followed all through and found the hideout where he’s been staying. He was optimistic when he started mapping him out and stalking him. it was time to make a move, but his heart was now wavering.

"My mom, I need answers. I can’t allow things to go either way with him," Olvido havened himself up. Shook off the fear and undecided instincts. He got inside his car and left for the location.

"Whatever you’re hiding, I’ll find it out Arturo,"

He parked the car miles apart from the building. He saw three man that pretending to be walking past the hous
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