At Last......

The prison corridor was a bleak and dimly lit passage that seemed to amplify the weight of the world on Thompson's shoulders. He walked with a sense of unease, his footsteps echoing against the cold concrete walls. As he reached his brother's cell, he paused for a moment, his heart heavy with a mixture of guilt and desperation.

Thompson's brother, Henry' , sat on a narrow bunk, his back slightly hunched. The pale light filtering through the small window cast a somber glow on his face, emphasizing the fatigue that had etched lines around his eyes. When he heard the approaching footsteps, he looked up, his expression guarded.

"Thompson," Henry greeted, his voice devoid of warmth.

Thompson cleared his throat, his nerves making his voice quiver slightly. "Hey, Hen ."

Henry's gaze remained steady, his eyes piercing as they locked onto Thompson's. "I heard you've been making quite the stir out there. Newspaper headlines and all."

Thompson shifted uncomfortably, the weight of his recent fai
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