Chapter 02 - The Grand Master is back

Drison's - [P.O.V]

Gong! Gong! Gong! - Sirens Blasted.

I watched and listened in shock.

Ga! Ga! Ga! - A fleet of uncountable helicopters covered the entire sky like cursed machines darkening the city before my very eyes.

Were they coming to capture me?

I definitely have to be a world threat to get this kind of attention definitely, or they were probably after something else, Perhaps.

"Bwoam!" The electricity of the entire city went off and on before I heard emerging footsteps over the road where I stood, looking all bloody with over a thousand soldiers rushing to me.

"Vroom!” I watched the Armoured power bikes station from different angles about where I was.

“Vroom!" I saw a fleet of tinted Mercedes Benz arriving in front of me as all the soldiers stood with their weapons all around the corners facing me in uniform before they arranged their weapons surrounding the exact spot where I stood with my father storming out from the car with Mr. Bennet to look at me staring back in shock.

"Welcome back! Grand Master!" All the soldiers in uniform salutes me, Before taking a bow as my father, Mr. Choasen walks speedily to me, he hugs me tightly to himself with tears in his eyes.

"Dad, is it you?" I asked uncertain, as I took a glimpse to look at the sky again.

"Yes it is me, my son, I have missed you so much, we have a lot to talk about, thank you so much Mr. Bennet, now I can get to see my son again on my last days." He said as he led us back into the car before leaving the place.

The question wasn't how rich he was? But on; how wealthy really was my father?

"I am so happy to meet you again, I thought you would never make use of your ring or forgive me, but we can work on it now... Tomorrow you will be announced CEO of all my companies, the whole world will talk about you, but first let me take you home to see everyone." My father said as he held my hands in his, I could feel his deep love.

I couldn't understand him at all... What business was so important that he owned - That I had to be announced a CEO for? Oh Please.

"You don't seem excited?" He asked.

"Sorry father, you don't seem to understand what my enemies did to me, what they put me through, I need to see my daughter, my son, and I need to see my grandmother, I need to be sure they're fine." I said back to him and he kept silent.

"So tell me, what really is the worth of all this announcement when it doesn't give me any power or right to fight back, the Camino's will destroy your business and humiliate me again, they already painted me as a murderer and locked me for years, so forgive me now, because I have to reject your offer to protect our family business." I replied back to him and he coughed in pain.

"Oh common Drison, the Camino's company is now owned by you, why are you afraid of that poor family?" My father asked in confusion.

"They're responsible for his imprisonment and torture." Mr. Bennet tells my father.

"What!?" He explodes before he coughs again.

"I didn't seem to understand him properly, you mean those bastards I picked up from the slumps did all these to my son? And you didn't tell me all these while? I will destroy them, call and shut them down!" My father ordered in anger.

"Wait father, please Mr. Bennet, tell me, how much is my inheritance really worth? How is it possible to call the Camino family Poor?" I asked, holding my fathers hand uncertain of their words.

"Oh boy! We don't calculate inheritance in our family, you are the Almighty Supreme, the wealth of this world is under your control, if I show you these figures, would you be able to tell me how wealthy we are?" He said as he gave me a digital card with unlimited withdrawal with my name printed on it and I stayed surprised.

Did he Just give me a Gold Ultimatum Card?

Only the World Bank Offers such Cards, and not to nobody… To only influential powerful Elites.

"You can call yourself an Octillionaire for a start or a God." Mr. Bennet said with a smile... No wonder my ordinary Housekeeper could pay a $50 million dollars fine to get me released.

My Family grew in my absence to be filthy Rich!

Or maybe I never knew how rich my father was.

"Father, I wish to clear my name from all the hideous things I was charged for, I wish to take my revenge on the Camino's but the pain they have costs me is too much to finish them at once, I want them to suffer, to beg at my knees in tears and agonies, for all they did to me." I said with pain.

"I need to find my grandmother, my son and my daughter, I still can't believe she's dead, so let me handle this, the way I want and I promise you that after my disguise... I will announce myself as CEO of our family's incorporation…” I pleaded.

“Just let me pay them back in the language that my enemies understand, Please." I said to him in the car and he smiled at me.

"You're Just like your grandfather indeed, alright, board the next car, Mr. Bennet, get him a place, sort him out and attend to him like a better father would, I will be home waiting for you my son." He said before the convoy stopped and then half of the fleet of cars took me elsewhere as directed by Mr. Bennet, my housekeeper.

I stopped at the hospital knowing fully well that it was where I last left my grandmother during my arrest as I searched Left and right to find her but it met no avail, but then miraculously a guard found an old lady with a rotten leg at the waste dumb section of the hospital, I didn't want to bother but I justs decided to check or ask questions.

My grandmother was a strong woman.

I reached there and Ho and behold!

It was Her! Her!?

"Grandma!" I called in disbelief as I hugged her trying to raise her up as she caressed my face like she was trying to recognize who I was.

"Drison! My grandson!" She screamed with tears as she held me to herself.

"Mama... Your legs, what happened?" I asked.

"I went to plead to your mother in-law for you to be released but she was angry and told her men to beat and throw me out, by doing so... My two legs got broken, and they began to rot because I couldn't pay for them to be treated or cut out." She said as I looked at her inflamed dead Legs, she was literally crippled as a result.

My mood suddenly changed to Demon mode.

She was uselessed down to a living dead!

Ahh! The tears in my eyes felt like razors.

"No, this isn't real, I refuse to believe you're crippled, granny, Please get up." I tried to help her up but she cried more in pain.

"It hurts… Me, my son... I even resorted to begging and they still didn't leave me alone." She said worried, shattering everything inside me as I look at burn marks over her body... I knew those signs... it belonged to a Mafia group ran by my friend... Carlos... But he wouldn't want to hurt my grand mother... Would he? I stared in shock.

"Whatever money I make here, her boys would come to take it, I tried to save some once and when they found out... They stomped my face to the ground and since then... I can't see with my eyes again... I wish sometimes to be dead but I kept praying that God brings you out of prison before I die!" She said that and my own soul died.

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