Chapter 53. Getting to The Training Ground

Before I knew it, we had already arrived at a location different from the bushes Mr. Harry had driven through. This area had tall rocks surrounding it and a small pond of water that seemed to lead nowhere, visible from the car we had yet to step out of.

As I gazed around, I noticed in the distance to the right a formation that provided both a sense of containment and a touch of rugged beauty.

In this way, the tall rocks acted as protective barriers, enclosing the training area in a secure embrace.

Additionally, I observed that the landscape within was a combination of sandy patches and compacted earth, with clear demarcations indicating designated firing zones and pathways.

At the center of the training ground, a wide and well-maintained firing range was set up. The range featured a row of target boards at varying distances, allowing participants to practice their marksmanship skills effectively.

Upon exiting the car, Mr. Harry and I walked towards the sandy patches. I saw a sturdy wo
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