Chapter 58: Wake Up and Shoot

Suddenly, out of my blank state, my eyelids fluttered slowly. Awareness crept back into my senses. A deep breath escaped my lips, and with each inhale, life returned like the first rays of dawn breaking through the darkness. Finally, my eyes opened, and I blinked at the world's brightness.

The weather seemed cold and unforgiving, with a biting wind that cut through layers of clothing like a sharp blade.

As soon as I groaned in agony, attempting to sit upright, the first person my eyes peered at was Samantha.

"We thought you were dead!" she said.

"Welcome to a new day. Now, get ready for training," she said again.

"But training? I was barely getting better," I thought. As if the others heard my thoughts, my eyes peered at them, who were right in the right corner adjacent to Samantha in the left corner in the same tent with me. I saw them shrug their shoulders and raise their hands like they were unconcerned about my health.

"Get up now, Mr. Marcus. Get to training. Your father's enemie
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