Interlude XI: Olivia VI
This was not the night that Olivia had in mind when Lady Love wanted someone to accompany her to the Royal Library.

It was supposed to be a simple infiltration job; one that her unassuming stature would no doubt help in posing as Lady Love's aide. While she knew that being a Prime held some form of status in terms of being granted access to some parts of the palace. She didn't expect Lady Love to go straight towards the supposed restricted section of the library once they found themselves inside the gigantic tower. From there, it was easy to spot just where the supposed plans for the whole city and the whole palace was. Bundled in with the rest of the city plans, Love quickly showed them to her as they unassumingly took an empty table for themselves; memorizing, and in some places, scribbling down whatever important information that they needed for her sister and her partner's plan to work. After which, t
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