Chapter 369: Strategising

The next day, at around six am, Killian ordered his men to check the area around the camp to ascertain if anything or anyone was a casualty in the barrage of warning shots.

Killian also ordered them to carry potent weapons in case anything bad happened. But after checking for about an hour, within a radius of six hundred metres away from the campsite, they found nothing.

They only found droplets and clots of frozen blood, which were under a large tree, and there were many of them too.

"Was there anything or someone, or a beast found?" Jeff asked curiously.

"So far, nothing was found, chief. We only found clots of frozen blood around that big tree," Dexon replied matter-of-factly.

"It turns out that there are indeed people who intend to come to our camp, and of course, they have bad intentions. Luckily, the guards quickly realised their arrival," Jeff responded with satisfaction.

"But there's one oddity we found, chief!"

"Tell me what

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