3rd Degree Burns

Under the false image cloak, the bandits stealthily creeped closer to their camp, holding the hostages in one arm and q dagger between their teeth.

Amira swinging her legs, gaming on her tablet. Her ears pricked to the rolling pebbles, she casted a suspicious glance.

The bandits stood still under their camouflage.

She shifted her vision back to her tablet, they tiptoed closer, holding their breaths. The earbuds buzzed, receiving a command from their leader.

Amira said "Malcolm!"

One of the men hinted to attack, the troupe head raised his hand and they stopped.

Malcolm said "Yes?" running towards her.

Amira smiled, said "Can you show me how to defeat this boss?"

Under her breath, she said "I think someone is watching us!"

She whispered "Don't do anything yet"

Putting on an awkward look, Malcolm said "I know how we can defeat them!" pointing at he game keys.

In between they whispered "How can, you


A false image cloak is almost similar to an invisibility cloak. But it is based on the theory of refracted light. The cloak diverges the light to make it seem like nothing is in front of the viewer but the user can't make fast movements as it can destort the illusion. Like and drop some gems for your author

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