Eliana rushed into a small hut that stayed at a hidden part of the city. She looked behind her as she tried to confirm that she was not being followed.

“Who are you?” A man in his late fifties asked as he blew a whistle, prompting some guards to rush over to him.

They all stared at Eliana, like a threat who must have come to wipe them out.

“I’m not threat! You have to believe me”, Eliana said as she gasped heavily, trying so hard to catch her breath.

She looked back again while the men tried to monitor her closely and ascertain what she was currently up to at the moment.

“Why are you running?” One of the men asked, walking closer to her and looking into her eyes as though the answer to her question laid there.

Eliana took in a deep breath and sighed heavily. There was no way she would open up her mouth and tell the men that she was running because she had a key which would unlock a great treaure. That would only mean putting her life in trouble.

“Some men were chasing me! I did nothin
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