The leader began to panic, red-faced, eyes bulging out their sockets, and was grabbing his veiny neck, trying to breathe.

He started hammering his chest with his fist to try and force himself into breathing again and although it worked, his breathing was now unsteady.

The leader stepped back, afraid of what Anthony would do next, however, his legs were too weak that stepping on a small pebble behind him made him trip and fall on his butt.

The other gang members were also terrified by Anthony because only higher echelon members of the Mob have ever been able to place this level of fear in any of them.

Even the police have never been able to get this type of reaction from them but here comes Anthony doing the same thing.

"The penance stare!" the informant in the gang mumbled but he went unnoticed.

They quickly rushed to their fallen leader, trying to help him up while he looked like he was just about to throw up everything he had eaten that day.

Being forced to hold his breath for as long as he did resulted in extremely nausea, and right now, he was not seeing multiple Anthony in front of him.

"We're sorry, please forgive us!" They begged.

"!!" Looking down at them and seeing how pathetic they looked, Anthony got bored, rolled his eyes, and without meaning to, yawned.

He stretched his entire body to relax his joints then turned around and continued heading to the hotel, leaving them to dwell on their failure

"Hey boss, you okay?!"

"What are we going to do about that guy boss?" 

The asked but the gang leader kept staring at Anthony's back, furious.

"Don't just stand there you idiots, call someone high in the Mob and tell them about what just happened here!" the gang leader yelled, angry that he was no match for Anthony.

"Who should I call boss?" Asked the informant with his phone already out.

"There's only one person appropriate for this, call the OVERSEER! Let them know that someone dangerous is in our streets and let me know what they say back. Then we'll know who that Silver head is!" He said, clenching his fist.

Anthony finally reached his destination, standing in front of the UNTITLED HOTEL whose entrance was locked, as expected. The place looked abandoned but was impossible to break into without an access card.

No one who knows they couldn't get in dared to even go near it or else risk being killed.

Anthony opened his suitcase, reached under all his clothes and brought out a small hand-sized envelope.

The envelope had acquired a lot of lint, hinting at how long it has been since he last held it. He blew the lint off and took out the pitch black access card from inside.

There was a card reader by the side of the entrance and with his access card, he unlocked the hotel and went in.

There were cobwebs and dust everywhere, same as the door of the elevator which Anthony cleared out of the way, got into and went straight up to the top floor where his room was.

 "Hey, Tessa!" Jogging from the other side of the road was another nightwalker, waving as she crossed the road to meet Tessa.

"What is it?" Tessa asked, having a hurried look like she had somewhere to start going to "You know it's about time my client shows up so if you want to ask me something then better hurry up!"

"Okay, okay, I'll be quick. What'd you think happened to the silver boy from earlier? I saw the two of you talking so I was wondering if you knew him. Is he one of yours?" She asked

Tessa leaned back, looking at her skeptically, and said "Why are you asking?"

The lady laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed "You're the one who knows everything that goes on around here so if anyone can tell me anything about him then it's you. I wouldn't mind getting someone like that as a regular" she smiled and winked at Tessa

"Really? But didn't you see what he had on? He looked poor. Don't know which money you're going to make from him but I wouldn't advise" Tessa frowned.

"That's true, but still if it's him then I wouldn't mind giving it for free too—" just before she could finish her sentence, a Mercedes Jeep parked in front of them.

This jeep was tinted on all the windows

"My client is here!" Tessa said then started to fix her bag properly, placing one hand on the lady's shoulder.

"Look, I have to go now but as for Silver, I don't know what happened to him. I warned him not to go where those guys, you know who, are but he didn't listen—" she showed the lady the exact place she warned Anthony not to go to and when they looked in the direction, they both became shocked.

"W-why is that light on?!" Tessa stumbled on her words, seeing the light from a room in the UNTITLED HOTEL lit.

"Room 28! It's occupied? Who could it be?!" People were murmuring amongst themselves.

The UNTITLED HOTEL had thirty rooms which comprised of six floors and five rooms per floor. The reason they were this shocked was because no information was passed that a tenant of the hotel would be coming around today.

That building hadn't been occupied for a while now so this was very alarming.


Tessa was wasting too much time and her client called her with a honk of his horn and she got into the car.

"What took you so long b*tch?! Don't think you can start acting out just because I keep coming back for you" said the client with a mean stare and pasty skin.

"Sorry about that Frank, I just had to answer someone's question" she replied, discretely rolling her eyes in disgust and turning her head to look through the window.

While they drove away, the driver's hand was running up and down her thigh but she was numb to it. She could only focus on finding out who the tenant of the Untitled Hotel was.

"Wait, it couldn't have been Silver, could it?!" she mumbled then smirked.

Back at the Untitled Hotel, Anthony had cleaned up his room and was now making a phone call.

["Hello?"] the call was answered just after the first ring and in the background was restaurant noise.

"I'll like to place an order for the top dish on your menu, the altered carbon" Anthony replied.

Immediately, the tone of the other person turned serious. That was a code word.

["Alright sir, have you created your profile on our website yet?"]

"I have. This is gonna be the same price and thirty minutes as usual, right?" Anthony glanced at the envelope of money he got for selling his motorcycle on the bedside table.

["Yes sir! I'll just check your account to see what your location is— Oh! Gimme a second lemme speak with my head"] they put Anthony on hold for a minute and then they came back.

["Sorry for the wait sir, your order is being arranged now and should be arriving soon"] they said and Anthony smiled ["But before I let you go, Sir, my head wanted me to say this to you… WELCOME BACK, MR. STARDUST"]

South Ashan

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