Having taken a cold shower in the summer of the day, she exited the bathroom, walking directly to her wardrobe to pick up her clothes, when she heard a bang that swung her door open, and angry Mr Warren walked in with a neutral facial expression.

In shock, she paused, staring at his direction.

" Dad ? what the meaning of this, why would you walk into my room like that without knocking ?" With her hands holding her towel to her chest, she asked him, while they both maintained eye contact. She was expecting he would realize she needed her privacy at that moment, and turn back, but the expections came crumbling down to the ground as he remained adamant, and instead, stared in utter arrogance.

" Where did you go early this morning ? " Her dad asked, paying no attention to her question.

" I don't understand, why asking me such a question ?" Wuyan replied curtly.

" Wuyan, where did you go this morning," He asked again, now walking close to her with a blank stare.

" Dad I don't
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