Chapter 55

Ainslie shook her head and laughed. "This is just a mere coincidence, and I'm sure you've got no involvement in it. So quit acting like you're some big man who could pull all this off. Stop jubilating over what you did not do." She sneered. "I'll get back at you for treating me this way, mark my words, Bryson."

He released his grip on her, and she pushed him away, leaving the room. Bryson smiled slyly as he rubbed his nose. "Let's see how you make me pay then." The tension lingered, leaving the Pegasus mansion fraught with secrets, accusations, and a web of intertwined destinies.

Later that evening, in the Pegasus living room, the family tried to gather the pieces of their shattered unity. Mark, sitting in silence, finally spoke up.

"Ainslie, we need an explanation. We can't move forward without you clearing the air."

Ainslie, standing before her family, took a deep breath. "Father, I didn't plan for any of this. I had taken that video and those photos as a desperate measure
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