Chapter 147

Six months later, Wilmore Casino had grown into the talk of town. They were well known all over the city. Uncle Zander and grandpa are so proud of what Maxwell had made out of the business within just a few months of emerging as MD.

Just like the way Grandpa usually creeps into his room unannounced. The knock on the door was soft and familiar, but he never thought that it would be his grandpa until he answered.

“Come in, please." He answered even though his back was turned against the door. He was busy making some photocopies.

“Hey,son”. Maxwell turned only to see his grandfather walking into the room with his walking aid on one hand.

“Hey pops, you didn't tell me you were coming,” Maxwell said with a smile on his face. He got up from his seat and went to hug his grandfather.

“I didn't know I had to call your assistant or book an appointment before coming over to see my son; you should be more grateful, and the old grayed man is paying you an extravagant visit." Grandpa teased. They
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