
He voiced his concerns to Mr Khosrow who listened intently before reassuring him that everything would be fine. But deep down inside, Remik knew that nothing was ever certain in this line of work.

As they prepared for battle once again, Remik steeled himself for what lay ahead. He thought back to those dark days when he was lying in a hospital bed wondering if he would ever walk again.

And yet here he was now - ready to take on Swack's empire one more time. It wasn't just about revenge anymore; it was about justice for all those who had suffered at Swack's hands.

With renewed determination coursing through his veins, Remik stood up from the table and looked around at his comrades-in-arms. "Let's do this," he said firmly. And with those words ringing in their ears, they set out once again to face the challenges that lay ahead - together as one united force against what they deemed tyranny and oppression.

A few days later, Cayden and Olivia were out on a date at a busy restaurant in th
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