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Cayden was heartbroken as he walked out of the coffee shop. He knew deep down that he still loved Veronica, but he also understood that she had moved on. He frowned, as he walked down to the bus stop to board a bus. His placed his hands in his red jacket and headed back home. On arrival, he walked in to meet Nathan and Nicholas seated on the couch and seeing a movie. The banging sound as he closed the door got their attention. Nicholas and Nathan gazed at the entrance to see who came in.

" Hey man, Are you Okay?" Nicholas said as he noticed the gloomy countenance.

Cayden sat at one of the single couches in the sitting room, his hand on his face and placed his legs on the seat's hand rest.

" Looks like you had a bad day man," Nicholas said. They gazed at Cayden waiting for a reply.

" Yeah yeah I had a very bad day... I've lost her guys. It's high time I realize that and move on. I can't keep toiling with my feelings like this" Cayden replied.

" She didn't accept after all this time o
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