Intercepted shipment

As Nathan and Rose's relationship continued to blossom, their love only grew stronger. They spent most of their time together, going on dates, taking walks in the park, and talking about their hopes and dreams. Nathan was always there for Rose, He supported them in every way he can, and they enjoyed moments and shared a lot of time.

The next morning, Nathan received a call from Rose. He was drenched in exhaustion after their experience at the club last night and pulled himself to reach through the phone.

"Hello, my love"?? He said, in a dull low tune.

" Hey sweet, ops did I wake you up??" Rose replied.

" Yeah ... But it's all good. Is it that obvious I'm just getting up?" Nathan giggled. He felt quite embarrassed.

" Yeah, it's all clear from your voice. Well, it's Saturday today and I'd want us to hang out in Cosy Cafe just close to town. I want to see you today" She said.

Nathan cleared his throat " Ohh ok, that will be nice. I have some stuff to do with Nicholas today, so when I'm
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