Back in the Southeastern province, Louisa and her mother Cecil were busy trying to plan how to get back into Adam’s life, Cecil had invited William over to her small but lavish apartment where they would make a plan on how to get back into Adam’s life just to take his money,

The business was already going bad for William, and so she thought that these were already desperate times for him,

The investor who had called him one time had anonymously bought all the shares in his company and left him with nothing. Cecil saw that as an opportunity for him to do her bidding, he would do anything to be able to get it back.

“Do you think William would be in on this?” Louisa asked her mother as they awaited William’s arrival.

“Oh that’s a piece of cake, it’s either he agrees or I make him agree.”

“How would you do that mother?” Louisa asked, her voice tinged with confusion.

Cecil grinned in a Cheshire manner, her eyes gleaming,

“It's very easy, I’ll blackmail him.” She said her voice barely abo
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