Chapter - 23

Chapter - 23

"What happened in there?" As Sebastian drove Mathew back home, Mathew asked.

"What do you mean, young master? What happened? Where?" Sebastian looked confused.

"Don't play dumb. Why did this card not work the first time?" Mathew asked as he flipped the black card in his hands, “But suddenly everything was fine.”

"Oh..." Sebastian exclaimed with a smile but did not answer.

"Don't oh me... Tell me, what is going on?" Annoyed by his smile, Mathew frowned, “Do you know how scared I was? One moment, and I would have been labelled a thief, rotting in jail for god knows how long. That Georgie’s uncle would have made sure of it.”

“How can that be?” Sebastian continued to be in a jolly mood, “Your father and the Wilson family would have brought down the police station if they dared to lock you in there. Just for a hundred thousand dollars? The Wilsons’ would have become a laughing stock.”

“Just get to the point. Why did this card not work?” Mathew was annoyed. Sebastian was always
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