Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven


This caught the employees’ attention. Natalie couldn’t miss this opportunity to rush out of there. Before Milton would think of following her, Tiwari grabbed his arm and held it tightly.

“What is the meaning of this?” Asked Genevieve.

One of the employees gave her his phone while looking down, shaken. But, if anyone asked, they were not embarrassed at all. Or shaken that the boss has caught them idling around.

Genevieve moved closer to Milton so he could also watch the video. By the time it ended, even if Tiwari searched for chains and put Milton down, he would still find a way to go for Natalie.

It was a clip of the time Natalie had invited Milton to the party in college. And there it was, Natalie, shaming the living life out of Milton. Milton looked devastated. As if he didn’t belong.

Dickson’s hand was around Natalie’s waist and he was smiling triumphantly, enjoying Milton’s predicament. Some of the employees have seen Dickson before and they knew this wasn’t one of the fake
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