Chapter 268: Lawrence Ensnared in a Malevolent Gaze

An undeniable truth - for without Wayne Howard's rash intervention, Joseph Rogers would have inevitably lingered within East District's fastnesses, harrying Lawrence and Jason through endless machinations. Even in defeat, such a denouement would never have unfolded so expediently.

But now, lamentations proved futile - the path was sealed.

East District's forces, initially outnumbering Steven Martin's subordinates, found their resolve shattered by the cataclysmic outpouring of unified outrage. Who amongst them would dare rally to Joseph Rogers' cause, unless they wished to be torn asunder?

With his demise, all compunctions evaporated - they could only fervently distance themselves from his tarnished legacy.

As for Lawrence, it was as if that single, brutal act had drained him of all vitality, though vengeance had been exacted. A maelstrom of conflicting emotions churned within - for they had once been brothers-in-arms, comrades forged in the crucible of shared adversity. Alas...

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